Version 4 update


The document has been updated again, and hopefully this is the final version. Here's the changes:

  • New cover art featuring a completely normal and inconspicuous elf
  • Updated some old interior art of humans and elves with new versions from the main book.
  • Added a whole new page which details a "custom origin" race option - this is because I've been thinking of ways to make the 5e race system less bioessentialist while still making the book 5e-compatible, so I think this is a nice compromise. You can combine physical and cultural features of different race "templates" to create a unique character, then assign "labels" onto them based on your features for the purposes of spells, magic item attunement, and social interactions. So basically even if you have 1 "elf" feature you can still "count" as an elf, etc.
  • Minor changes to some of the lore text to make sure it's consistent with the main book
  • Remembered to run spellcheck properly like I would in the main book and fixed a bunch of typos, spelling errors, and clunky phrasing along the way

The main book is coming along, it's really close to completion and I'm so excited about finally getting to share it with you soon.

- Viktor


Primer4.pdf 35 MB
Oct 31, 2024

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